Kaffee für alle - Instagram Story
Kaffee für alle - Instagram Story
Globales Lernen Fachtag - Instagram Post
Globales Lernen Fachtag - Instagram Post
Grüne Kneipe Event - Instagram Post
Grüne Kneipe Event - Instagram Post
GreenCampus Flyer
GreenCampus Flyer
Since October 2021 I'm working as a graphic designer and social media manager at GreenCampus, the sustainability office of the university of Bayreuth. Projects involved simple social media post and storys (for Instagram, Facebook, UniNow), printable designs, webdesign and website maintaining.

NightinGames - Facebook Post
NightinGames - Facebook Post
Jobangebot - Facebook Post
Jobangebot - Facebook Post
Since October 2020 until 2022 I was working at NightinGames as a programmer. Due to a lack of staff, I also did some designs for social media. I mainly focused on Facebook in the beginning, but switched to Instagram and Discord where I created a community server for the studio.

For personal use or some videogames like "Fading" (2020, NightinGames) I did some designs like fictional boardgames etc.
Portfolio Designs, Resume and everything on this page is also designed and created by myself.
Tavern Song (2018)
Song: Andreas Burkhardtsmaier, André Weiß, Yasmin Burkhardtsmaier
Role: Musician (Violin)
'Tavern Song' is a short medieval, fantasy RPG inspired music composed by my brother Andreas. The project was realized as part of a university project. 'Tavern Song' also found an appearance in the game NightShifter inside the tavern.
Screenshot taken from the official NightShifter Twitter Page.
Vogelschutz als Hobby - Von der Arbeit der Wildvogelhilfe (2019)
Short Documentation: Antonia Schmidt, Lisa Pösch, Tanja Wiemer, Yasmin Burkhardtsmaier
Role: Sound, Camera assistant, Interview
22.02.2029 (2019)
Interactive Audioproject: David Goller, Lucas Pöthe, Tanja Wiemer, Yasmin Burkhardtsmaier
Role: Concept, Story, Coding and Art / Sound Implementation, Sound
'02/22/2029' is an interactive audio project in which you listen to the dystopian news on earth (and the moon) by swithcing channels.
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